
Practice 1

Task: Write an opinion paragraph (125-150 words) about something you really like but most people don't like at all.
One of the activities that I really enjoy doing is writing, something that the majority of people seems to hate. I can understand that, because society has always presented writing as a work, not as a hobby. I may love writing because, since I was little, I've loved stories. I remember myself begging my mother to read again a tale that she read to me for the seventh time. Then, I learned to read, that I enjoyed a lot, and consequently I learned to write. I realized I could write my own stories, and that is what I did: I filled notebooks with my own inventions, and I also had diaries. This is why I'm in a good mood when I write something, but the day I don't, I feel very frustrated. Also, I think my love for writing could be related with my personality: I'm very shy, and maybe too quiet, so I obviously communicate better by writing than by speaking, as I remember that when I was little, I talked with my father through a notebook that we shared. Because of all these reasons, writing is a big part of my routine, something that I adore with a passion and that I will never change for anything, as many others would probably do.

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