
Descriptive paragraph: My favourite place in the world

I've been thinking about this subject quite a lot, until I decided I wanted to describe a place that has always been special for me: Marchamalo's salt works. This place isn't in use anymore: in fact, it is considered a protected area for the birds that come there to stay in summer. It is located right behind my house, so I can get magnificent views from my bedroom, like these ones:

Pretty great, right? Can you tell that I love my window? But apart from the fantastic views that it offers, there are more motives to consider this place unique. It is enjoyable to walk through the salt works, which are huge, even though some people say it is banned... But no one listens to them, so whatever, it's not like we're doing something wrong - except for the people who don't live in La Manga, who throw all the trash there in summer. Ugh, I hate them. In the uncountable times that I've been there, specially with my dogs and my brother, it always felt like we were on an adventure: discovering new places, watching a group of flamingos right next to us, etc. Feeling the crusty ground under your feet in summer, burying your feet in the mud in winter (usually in the middle of the rain, which feels great), smelling the salt, the humidity, hearing the seagulls... You can truly feel free at the salt works. It's a very peaceful place to go, and I have wonderful memories of that place. I remember those times when I was sad and I went there to walk my dog under the rain: sadness always left as I walked there. Also, how to forget those amazing summer afternoons with my friends, where we rode our bikes around the salt works and we spent the time watching the birds and chit-chatting. Because of all this, Marchamalo's salt works will always be considered my most precious place in the entire world.

1 comment:

  1. This place is amazing¡¡ And you are very lucky, my dear. Thank you for sharing the spectacular views.
