
Opinion paragraph: Abortion

So, after thinking a lot, and as I read some comments on the internet, I decided to give my opinion about abortion, because this subject is pissing me off: "I really don't think abortion is a good excuse for the lack of care that someone had. Except in cases of rape. But aside from that, there are some many ways to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. Why does a little soul must be punished for the lack of oversight of its generators? If you don't want the baby, there's adoption, I think it causes far less suffering than abort, because there are people who really are willing to love this new being".
First off, you can be using three forms of protection, and still have an unplanned pregnancy. Birth control is not flawless. It helps, of course, but no matter how responsible someone is being, they can find themselves with an unwanted pregnancy. "Well if you choose to have sex you have to be responsible for and accept the possibility you might get pregnant and have a baby. You shouldn't have sex if you don't want a child!". Children are not a punishment for sex!! We don't deny smokers cancer treatment because they accepted the risk by smoking, we don't deny people who got in car accidents medical attention because they took the risk by driving, hell, we don't even deny criminals who shoot others, and OD on drugs medical attention, so we sure as hell can't deny a pregnant person medical attention because they took the risk by having sex.
Pro-lifers seem to forget that pregnancy and childbirth itself, even if adoption follows, can ruin a person's life, and is extremely transformative, be it in a positive or negative way. You are never going to be the same once going through that. It changes your body, your hormones, your emotions. Many people experience crippling sickness and complications, causing them to lose their job, lose their home, have to drop out school, etc. Prenatal care is not cheap. Mothers who fall pregnant may struggle to feed their already living breathing feeling children and lower their quality of life if forced to carry a fetus the don't have the means to provide for or deal with. And it all comes down to the fact that people cannot and should not be made to sacrifice their bodies for a pregnancy they do not want, for whatever reason they do not want or can not have it. We have an awesome thing called bodily autonomy. Meaning nobody can use our bodies without our consent. Even when we are DEAD. If you and I got in a car crash, and I died, and you desperately needed one of my organs to survive, you STILL couldn’t take that organ, even though it is of no use to me, to save your own life, unless I had consented when I was alive to be an organ donor. Therefore, claiming that a fetus has a right to use a pregnant person’s body for 9-10 months, has the right to take over all the pregnant person’s organs and body chemistry, has the right to change their body forever, not only does it give a fetus more rights than anyone else in the world, it also gives the pregnant person less rights than a dead body.
There is also a major flaw in that first argument, which is “Except in cases of rape,” because in that statement, they're proving that it really isn’t about the fetus. If they truly believed that fetuses had rights, were sentient souls deserving of a chance at being born, it wouldn’t matter whether they were conceived through rape or not, would it? Fetuses that result from rape and fetuses that result from loving relationships are biologically the same, so why does one deserve rights and the other not? Perhaps they have internalized misogyny which causes them to believe that females deserve to be punished with unwanted pregnancies because they had sex.
I am pro-choice because I am pro-pregnant person. I am on the side of the living, breathing, loving, crying, feeling, struggling people who find themselves carrying a pregnancy when it is not convenient, and I am pro-giving them the option to protect themselves, their jobs, their goals, their bodies, and their pre-existing families, by supporting their access to a safe and legal abortion with no judgement.


  1. I agree with you completely and your text is quite good. Thank you for writing this.

    (Brief footnote: I would have divided it into different paragraphs, because it is a bit long and such division might have helped the reader.)

  2. Wow! This put into words all the garbles rage that comes out of my mouth when I argue about abortion. Thank you :3
